How Long Does Mineral Makeup Last?
How Long Does Mineral Makeup Last?
Are you mindful of the purchase and usage dates of your makeup products? Do you understand when it's time to part ways with your cosmetics? If not, fret not! I will guide you on recognizing when your makeup has expired and the potential adverse effects outdated products can have on your skin!
I used to neglect it, but even now I have makeup items from years ago that should be tossed out immediately! I admit that I have caught myself trying to use a product only to notice a strange smell or change in color/texture, which is a sure sign that it needs to be replaced. It is crucial to be mindful when using new products as they can become hazardous if used past their expiration date.
Each makeup item will have a small jar icon with a partially opened lid and a number, such as 24, indicating the number of months it can be used before expiration. It is crucial to discard makeup after this period as it can accumulate harmful bacteria that may harm your skin and eyes. Using expired mascara or eye shadows can lead to infections and irritations. Furthermore, using expired makeup may result in blemishes and rashes, leaving your face covered in uncomfortable bumps.